Sudanese deliberations for enhancing the human development in the Sudan

The Human Development Report “2013 The South Renaissance: Human Development in a diverse world” shows that a number of nations of the south have seen a rapid unexpected progress in human development. The report identifies three main triggers of development which allowed those countries to perform well. These triggers can be useful for other countries.

The report which has been published recently by a team of prominent experts on a timetable for development work post 2015 reconfirms the concepts of the sustainable human development , laying out the broad lines for the targets and objectives of the new development which is based on what have been achieved of the Millennium Development Goals (MDGs) and intends to finish the job started by the MDGs. Eradicating poverty from the face of earth by 2030 is at the center of this endeavor. The report concludes that the timetable for beyond 2015 is a universal timetable, the attainment of which requires three transformative changes.

The socio-economic scene in the Sudan has witnessed a big change after the separation of the south on the 9th of July 2011. The loss of the oil caused huge pressures on the budget, and on the external balance. The internal and external shocks resulted in the increase of the cost of living, and it is possible that the negative effects of it will reflect on poverty and the achievement of the MDGs in the Sudan. At the same time the Sudan is rich in natural and human resources, hence it had the reputation as an agricultural production center in the African continent. With its geographic location between the Arabia peninsula and Sub-Saharan Africa, Sudan can play a major role in the area in the future.

The current situation with all its challenges and opportunities for the Sudan requires profound studies and discussions among the main effective parties in the general field. What is required to eradicate all forms of severe poverty in the Sudan by 2030? Can the three development triggers help the Sudan arrive at a sustainable and continuous economic growth environmentally and socially? To answer these questions UNDP in partnership with Mamoun Beheiry center launches a series of discussions which should unveil the concept of the sustainable human development, and what it means or can mean for the Sudan.

Discussions and the form

The Sudanese discussions aim at initiating the general discussions and generating ideas and expanding the understanding of the development issues, and enhancing transparency and accountability in the development process. The discussions also aim at cementing the popular support to the efforts of improving the lives of people in the Sudan., also to facilitate the debate and cooperation between the many partners in the development process.

The discussion sessions will be headed by specialized experts in the field who are informed about the universal debate on the post 2015, and on the Human Development Report 2013. The first four sessions will be held within two weeks between the beginning of August 2013 until mid-October 2013.

  1. Drivers of development: A developing nation leader on seeking benefit from international markets. Identifying creativity in the area of social and economic development.
  2. The human dimensions of growth: Social cohesion/ Social protection. Health care. Environmental protection. And investment in education and technology.
  3. Renaissance of the south: South-South relationships and maintaining the momentum.
  4. Post 2015: How can human development be realized in the Sudan? The participants will be selected fro a wide range of the Sudanese community, including representatives from the public institutions, the civil society, the media, and the private sector, the academic institutions and the international development partners. The participants should not exceed 25 persons in every discussion session., who will be selected based on their technical expertise and their ability to fill the gap at the technical and policy levels.

It is expected that the discussion sessions will identify issues of special concern to the Sudan, that will require further extensive technical studies before making recommendations on policies.. Therefore the series of Sudanese discussions will be complemented by special researches and technical consultancies contributing to the policy making process directly.

In order to facilitate linking the Sudanese population and the policy makers, the Discussions will be launched through the social media prior to each session, in addition to using the social media to identify more subjects.